Kevin is a member of Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisor Group, a leading national exclusive group of advisors for expertise in retirement distribution planning. Retirement planning is complicated, and you need an IRA specialist in this area. It is a personal and situational endeavor with possible pitfalls in the way of success. Kevin is a financial professional who believes in investing in education to help clients eliminate risk and keep more of their retirement dollars for themselves and their family.

Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisor Group is a private IRA study group of professional financial advisors with extensive IRA experience who have gone to the next level to study directly with Ed Slott. Advisors in the group are dedicated to being IRA distribution experts and have made a commitment to continue building their IRA knowledge base. Members of Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisor Group train with Ed Slott and his team of IRA Experts on a continuous basis. These advisors pass regular background checks, complete requisite training, attend semi-annual workshops, webinars, and complete mandatory exams. Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisors are equipped with up-to-date tools, education and resources to help their clients.
Ed Slott is the nation's leading source of accurate, timely IRA and retirement account distribution expertise and has been called "The Best" source for IRA advice by The Wall Street Journal. He is the author of The Retirement Savings Time Bomb... And How to Defuse it, Parlay Your IRA into a Family Fortune, and Your Complete Retirement Planning Road Map and is a frequent contributor to The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Time, Newsweek, Fortune, Forbes, Money and USA Today.
Kevin Hittinger has been a member of "Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisor GroupSM", sponsored by Ed Slott and Company, LLC (the "Slott Group") since 2016. The Slott Group is a private organization and no federal or state law or regulation requires an investment advisor representative to be a member of the Slott Group. Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisor Group is not a designation, it is a study group. Members of this group are not designated as experts; they are advisors that train with the Slott Group.
The Slott Group represents that it performs regular background checks on its members. To become a member of Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisor Group, candidates must complete a two (2) day workshop for a fee and members are required to participate in webinars and mandatory semiannual workshops to maintain their membership. Candidates are eligible to earn continuing education credits with the American College of Financial Services ( https://www.theamericancolledge.edu ) or insurance credits with certain states. There are no prerequisites or advanced preparation required for this workshop and there is no examination or continuing education requirements to maintain membership with this group.
For additional information on the Slott Group or Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisor Group, please visit http://www.irahelp.com. NOTE: Websites linked are not under the control of Bleakley Financial Group, LLC and it is not responsible for, nor does it certify or endorse, the content of any linked site. Links are provided for educational and information purposes only.
Questions? Contact Kevin L. Hittinger ChFC, CLU, AIF® 610.433.7567 to schedule a no obligation consultation.