Our first priority is helping you take care of yourself and your family. We want to learn more about your personal situation, identify your dreams and goals, and understand your tolerance for risk. Long-term relationships that encourage open and honest communication have been the cornerstone of our foundation of success.

Investment Planning
Review of Portfolio, Asset Allocation, Time Horizon Planning, Withdrawal Strategies, Account Aggregation, Monitoring of Outside Accounts - ex 401(k), Review of Portfolio.
Estate Planning
Coordinate with Attorneys on the topics listed below, Living Wills, Health Care Proxy, Power of Attorney, Guardians for Minor Children, Estate Taxes, Wills, Charities, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust, Trusts.
Retirement Planning
Retirement Goal Setting, Social Security Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, IRA Contributions and Roth Conversions, Review of Employer-Sponsored Plans, Review of Employer-Sponsored Plans, Pensions Annuities, RMD'S and Withdrawal Strategies, Self-Employed Plans, Bucket List Items.
Tax Planning Strategies
Tax Sensitive Investing, Review of Cost-Basis, Review Realized Gains, Tax Loss Harvesting, Potential Roth Conversions, Health Savings and Flexible Spending Accounts, Coordinate with Accountant.
Insurance Planning
Review of Existing Policies, Life Insurance Needs Analysis, Long-Term Care Needs Analysis, Disability Needs Analysis, Health Insurance Review, Homeowner's or Renter's Insurance Review, Liability Coverage, Health Savings Account, Medicare Advice.
Cash Flow and Budget
Review of Income Sources, Setting Goal Expenses and Budgeting, Debt Management, Review of One-Time Expenses, Planned Large Expenses, Emergency Funding, Dollar Cost Averaging, Mortgage Review, Lines of Credit.
Planning Assistance
Gifting, College Planning, Caring for Elderly, 529 College Savings Plans, Roth IRA's for Children, UGMA/UTMA, Assisting Clients and their legal and tax advisors with Establishing Trusts.
In addition to our services above
Hold regular meetings to ensure that our planning is well coordinated and implemented. Work to ensure that your plan is on track to help guide you on your journey toward well-being and prosperity!
* Insurance products and services are not a deposit, not FDIC insured, not guaranteed by a bank, not insured by any federal government agency, and may go down in value. Not all insurance products and services are available in all states. Investment advisory services offered through Bleakley Financial Group, LLC, a registered investment adviser.